Disconnected from your Desires?
One of the things that I see women do all the time that disconnects them from their own preferences and desires
Super Woman {and her shadow}
Do you ever have those days where you feel on top of it all? The to-do list, the kids, the cooking, your work, getting your body moving - it all happens, it all flows together beautifully and you literally feel like Super Woman?
And then, somewhat mysteriously, seemingly out of nowhere you have the day where that same list, that same structure just falls apart? Your energy or your mood or your motivation don’t match what your are trying to accomplish?
Align with the 4 Phases
In my work with women, I use the framework of a 4-phase menstrual cycle to help understand the ebbs + flows through a cycle.
Egg Wisdom
There is so much for us to learn about feminine energy and wisdom from learning more about how an egg moves through the menstrual cycle.