Cultivating the Ability to Listen


Our relationship to our body requires communication.

Just like any other relationship we have, communication is a primary foundation.

And like all good communication, there is a sharing + a listening element.

I don't know about you, but my mind LOVES to share. It likes to tell my body how tired it is, how great it looks in that shirt, how weak it feels in the gym today, how lumpy my upper thighs look today, etc.

You guys, my mind is LOUD sometimes.

The single biggest impact on my relationship to my body has the cultivation of my ability to LISTEN.

This is a practice - a daily, consistent practice that is some days amazing and some days a real struggle.

Here are my steps to cultivating the ability to listen to my body.

  1. Commit to a daily time where you will sit in silence

  2. Show up

  3. Begin with observing your breath

  4. Gently invite your breath to slow down and move deeper into your belly

  5. When your mind becomes more quiet, ask your body “How can I support you today?”

Once you hear what your body is saying to you:

Honour the request.

Honour the need.

Honour the desire.

{if you want a guided practice, download the reconnecting meditation here}


What do I even look for?!


The Hormonal Rollercoaster